Clipstals™ was born in the Summer of 2018 during an energy healing session that Sara was performing. During this session, Sara was called to use a variety of crystals on her client. About halfway through the session, Sara’s guides told her not to detach from the client until the session was over – meaning, do not physically let go of the client until the healing was completed. This made removal and placements of the crystals difficult so she improvised and placed the crystals in the front and back pockets of her jeans and alternated during the session. When the session was over, Sara sat down and poked herself with a few of the crystals she forgot to remove from her back pocket!
Annoyed by the minor injury, Sara asked her guides for assistance in how to handle a situation like this in the future. Immediately she heard the word “Clipstals”™ and she saw a flash of crystals on clips. She went home that day and started creating the first version of Clipstals™ that she could attach to her jean loops during her healing sessions.
Weeks later, Sara’s client’s started asking her where they too can get these cool and magickal accessories that she was wearing. And well… the rest is HERstory!!!